Material topics: Analysis of stakeholder expectations

Our sustainability strategy takes into account the material topics and includes the associated measures for their implementation as well as the defined targets in the strategic sustainability program. Topics are material if they influence the sustainable development of the airport’s economic, ecological, or social environment. Our stakeholders, including employees, FMG management, travelers, and residents in the region, are surveyed annually to assess the topics defined as material topics. The results of the survey are incorporated into a Materiality Matrix.

check-new2-v2-test.svg Audited by PwC

FMG has defined key figures that make it possible to measure the achievement of strategic goals and the effectiveness of measures. In addition to EBT (consolidated earnings before taxes) and the customer satisfaction indicator PEI (Passenger Experience Index), CO₂ savings and the lost time injury frequency rate LTIF (Lost Time Incident Frequency) are also used as key performance indicators.

Materiality process: the basis of our sustainability strategy

Our materiality process is based on the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In 2023, we updated and expanded the existing topics. The changes can be found in the GRI Content Index. A total of 13 material topics are key components of the airport’s sustainability activities in the 2024 fiscal year.

1. Identification

We use an AI-based benchmark to incorporate other potentially material topics. This provides sustainability topics that have been classified as material in other industries and countries and can serve as a guide for FMG.

2. Prioritization

A survey of 400 external stakeholders assesses the topics based on the benchmark analysis. Internal experts then discuss the results. In 2023, additional topics were identified: «Engagement and value creation in the region» and «Responsibility in the supply chain».

3. Rating

Internal and external stakeholders evaluate the topics. In addition to an online survey of all stakeholder groups, FMG uses an annual internal management survey for this purpose. The results are published in the materiality matrix.

4. Implementation

Key aspects of sustainable development are regularly discussed as part of an internal sustainability committee. The executive board discusses these issues with experts and members of the senior management team and decides on the strategic direction to be taken for the sustainable development of the Group.

5. Operationalization

Specific goals and measures are outlined within the strategic sustainability program for each material topic as well as the progress made implementing these. Executives are responsible for implementing the associated measures to achieve the goals.


As a result of the current process, the topics «Air traffic development and safety» and «Noise emissions and noise control» are rated as very high in terms of their materiality by internal and external stakeholder groups. The details pertaining to the topic of «Transparent corporate leadership» were revised and the topic was renamed to «Transparent and resilient corporate leadership».

Materiality matrix

Importance for external stakeholders

very high

Transparent and resilient corporate governance*

Noise emissions and noise control

Aviation development, safety and security


Occupational health and safety

Commitment and value creation in the region**

Greenhouse gas (CO₂) and air pollutant emissions

Customer orientation and service quality


Sustainable use of resources

Sustainable infrastructure and construction projects

Responsibility in the supply chain**​

Attractive employer



Importance for internal stakeholders



very high


Sustainable infrastructure and construction projects


  • Expansion costs
  • Income from rents and leases


  • Goal: better rail access to the airport
  • Continued development of the airport campus makes it attractive for companies and businesses to relocate there.


  • Environmental impact exists, but is reduced through sustainable construction

Noise emissions and noise control


  • Deployment of low-noise aircraft at MUC (e.g. Airbus 350), noise-dependent landing charges


  • Noise emissions are a burden on the environment.


  • Residents are exposed to noise emissions.



  • Ecological diversity adds value to the environment from a nature conservation perspective.


  • Society benefits from a balance between the environment and nature.

Transparent and resilient corporate governance*


  • The Code of Conduct is a benchmark for the conduct of all employees. This provides peace of mind with regards to an individual’s behavior or actions. An electronic whistle-blower system is available.


  • A corporate structure with clear responsibilities fulfills the public’s expectations of transparency and accountability.

Sustainable use of resources


  • Cost reduction through the economical use of drinking water
  • Investments in the construction of process water wells


  • Reduced environmental impact
  • Prevention and recycling of waste as a top priority

Customer orientation and service quality


  • Focusing on customers creates buying incentives, increases customer loyalty and thus has a positive impact on the company’s profitability.


  • Employees receive recognition for their performance, which motivates them.


  • Customers benefit from a range of products tailored to their needs.

Greenhouse gas (CO₂) and air pollutant emissions


  • The environment is impacted by operations, but the climate protection strategy results in a significantly lower environmental impact.


  • The reduction of environmental pollution benefits residents in the region.



  • Digital offerings are creating new business opportunities.

Know how

  • The digital transformation of the airport is expanding the company’s expertise.


  • Company is contributing to digital progress.

Attractive employer


  • Continuing education costs


  • Employees are treated equally, regardless of age, gender, and origin, and receive equal opportunities and salaries.
  • Employees are recognized for their performance, which motivates them and helps to retain them as employees.


  • Equal rights and the promotion of diversity in the workplace help to integrate people into society.
  • The company is attractive to potential applicants.

Occupational health and safety


  • Flughafen München GmbH invests in the Occupational Health and Safety of its employees, which helps to reduce the number of days lost and costs.


  • Employees benefit from a comprehensive health program.

Aviation development, safety and security


  • Expected long-term growth in air traffic at the location has positive financial impacts.
  • Obtaining the operating license by providing the required evidence and documentation in a timely manner.

Know how

  • Application of the latest security standards and experience in implementation


  • Job retention


  • Environmental pollution is increasing due to the increase in air traffic.


  • Society benefits from connections to numerous destinations and the growing importance of the location.
  • A high level of security creates trust.

Responsibility in the supply chain**​

Know how

  • Commitment to internationally recognized standards, guidelines, and principles


  • Improvement of the international human rights situation by defining responsible management of supply chains

Commitment and value creation in the region**


  • Direct, indirect, and induced effects of airport operations
  • Increase in productivity and investments


  • High level of employment and innovation
  • Increase in cultural diversity, promotion of local sports

* Topic adjusted/merged
** New topic

GRI index
Key figures comparison
Business model
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