Noise protection: mitigating the impact
Aircraft noise: targeted measures
Munich Airport strives to minimize the impact of flight noise on residents and employees. It applies a range of steps to achieve this, including operational, technical, and financial measures.
Aircraft Noise and Aircraft Noise Protection
MUC: Home base for aircraft with low noise levels
The Airbus A350-900 is considered the world’s most environmentally friendly long-haul aircraft. Compared to its predecessor, the A340, it creates significantly lower noise levels: up to 7 dB(A) less on take-off and up to 3 dB(A) less on landing. In contrast to the A340 series, the A350-900 series noise contour is around 40 to 50 percent smaller and its noise level does not exceed 85 dB(A) outside the airport premises. This results in lower aircraft noise pollution in the airport region. Lufthansa is adding four more Airbus A350s to its fleet at Munich Airport in 2022, bringing the total number of these fuel-efficient and low-emission long-haul aircraft to 21.
Comparison of noise contours for the Airbus A340-600 and A350-900

Landing charges: the quieter, the cheaper
To ensure that airlines benefit even more from the use of quieter aircraft, Flughafen München GmbH has further developed the instrument of noise-based charges and significantly increased their share of total charges since June 1, 2021. With 13 instead of the previous eleven noise classes, the new fee schedule distinguishes even more clearly between quieter and louder aircraft models and stipulates surcharges on the base noise charge for flights during nighttime hours. In 2023, half of all aircraft movements at Munich Airport already met the most stringent requirements of »Section 14« according to the ICAO noise certification (International Civil Aviation Organization, Annex 16).
Aircraft type mix at Munich Airport

Close monitoring of aircraft noise
From 16 fixed noise measuring points, FMG continuously monitors aircraft noise within a radius of about 20 kilometers around Munich Airport. The measured values recorded can be accessed in real time on the Internet – in addition to numerous other statistics. Compared to the previous year, the continuing increase in air traffic in 2023 was partly reflected in slightly higher noise levels. However, the measured values were below the pre-crisis level of 2019.
Locations of fixed noise measuring points of Flughafen München GmbH

In addition, there are special measuring stations that can record aircraft noise at almost any location within the airport region at the request of the local authorities. In 2023, a total of nine mobile measurements were carried out: in the municipalities of Röhrmoos (Zieglberg and Rudelzhofen districts), Kranzberg, Haimhausen, Forstinning, Langenbach, Steinkirchen, Kirchdorf a. d. Amper, and in the city of Karlsfeld.
Real-time Measurement Results
Taking Action Against Aircraft Noise
Noise action plan for Munich Airport
The Government of Upper Bavaria has drawn up a noise action plan for Munich Airport at the end of 2021 with the participation of the public and affected communities. This presents steps already implemented as well as future measures to reduce aircraft noise in the vicinity of the airport. With the noise action plan, the Government is implementing the EU directive on the assessment and management of environmental noise for Munich Airport. In 2023, the Upper Bavarian government reviewed the noise action plan again and found that a revision is currently not necessary.