Employer: responsibility for the region

With 8,362 employees 1) we are the second-biggest employer on the airport campus, after Deutsche Lufthansa AG. This has a positive effect on the region: The Freising employment agency district, which also includes the districts of Dachau, Ebersberg, and Erding, continues to have one of the lowest unemployment rates in Germany, averaging 2.5 percent. By comparison, the unemployment rate nationwide rose by 0.4 percent to 5.7 percent. According to the 2021 employment survey, almost one in four jobs subject to social insurance contributions in the Freising and Erding districts was located at the airport.

Employees: diversity as an opportunity

Munich Airport benefits from the diversity of its workforce. We respect their diverse interests and needs - regardless of age, gender, nationality, cultural background, sexual orientation, and world view. For example, our LGBTQIA+ initiative «queerport» engages with community organizations and internationally operating companies at network meetings and stands for openness and tolerance.

We support the equal participation of women and men in management positions. Our Shared Leadership Program, for example, provides support for executives who share a job. Since 2024, female executives have once again had the opportunity to participate in the Cross Mentoring Program, which empowers them in their role through external guidance and associated events.

All employees make a valuable contribution, provided they are employed in accordance with their resources and skills. With the Mento Pro Program, we are dedicated to ensuring that employees have easy access to information as well as training and advanced education opportunities, regardless of their level of education.

More than seven percent of our employees have disabilities, and their integration is important to us. Our inclusion officers are committed to the equal rights and social inclusion of employees with disabilities or health restrictions. Prevention, rehabilitation, and accessibility are just as important here as healthy working conditions. The Council for Employees with Disabilities makes sure that the prospects and needs of colleagues in the company are safeguarded.

Group Management Report: Female Quota (page 31)
Charta der Vielfalt – Diversity Charter

Pay: a return to normality

As a member of the regional public employers’ association, we adhere to the collective pay scale agreement for public sector employees (TVöD). Our employees receive company post-employment benefits that are regulated on a collective pay scale and organized through the Bavarian supplementary pension fund for public sector employers. In view of the coronavirus crisis, the collective bargaining partners had negotiated a nationwide emergency collective agreement for airports with retroactive effect from September 1, 2020, the central component of which was to save jobs. The contract excluded redundancies and dismissals for operational reasons for the entire duration of the contract. In return, it was agreed, among other things, that the linear pay increases in the TVöD would be deferred to ease the financial burden on airports. This emergency collective agreement expired at the end of 2023. At the same time, the final restrictions for employees have also been removed, including the exclusion of the annual bonus payment from post-employment benefits.

In order to mitigate the significant increase in the cost of living, we have introduced relief packages above and beyond the standard pay scale: From May to December 2022 and again from January to June 2023, the travel allowance rose to 17 cents per kilometer. Between June 2023 and February 2024, we also distributed a tax- and social security-free inflation adjustment bonus amounting to a total of 3,000 euros.

FMG and AeroGround employees in pay groups 1-8 received more net pay in the form of a monthly bridging allowance, which is exempt from payroll taxes and social security contributions. The measure applied retroactively from January 1, 2023 until the TVöD wage increase, which takes effect in March 2024. This is based on the collective bargaining agreement between the Federation of Municipal Employers’ Associations and the trade unions ver.di, dbb beamtenbund, und tarifunion from April 2023. It provides for an increase in table pay by a base amount of 200 euros, followed by an increase of 5.5 percent. This collective agreement will run until the end of 2024.

Ground handling: a new industry collective agreement

On February 15, 2024, the Federation of Municipal Employers’ Associations and the Employers’ Association of Ground Handling Service Providers in Air Traffic also reached an agreement with ver.di at the federal level on an industry collective agreement for employees in ground handling services at commercial airports. This comprises a uniform framework agreement, a pay agreement, and a transitional collective agreement (ÜTV). The ÜTV stipulates how the employment relationships are to be transferred from the previously applied collective agreements and how any entitlements are to be calculated. The aim is to bring the regulations into effect as early as 2024. In addition, a declaration of general applicability is intended to ensure that the same minimum working conditions and standards apply to such services at all major airports for the first time.

Due to the Europe-wide liberalization of the ground handling service market, collective restructuring agreements were introduced around 13 years ago, which are coupled to the long-term Lufthansa ground handling service contract. This has made it possible to retain jobs in the airport's own ground handling service over the long term and to maintain the economic viability of the airport’s core business. AeroGround is currently negotiating a new long-term contract for the provision of ground handling services with Deutsche Lufthansa. The contract between AeroGround and its main customer was terminated at the beginning of 2024 and ends on October 31, 2024. The collective restructuring agreements for ground handling services will end at the same time.

Occupational health and safety: an important part of the company culture

We actively address health risks in the workplace in order to promote the safety, health, and well-being of all employees. Experts from Health Management and Occupational Health & Safety provide Group-wide support and guidance in the implementation of all legal and internal health and safety requirements and the continuous improvement of processes. Key figures are used as systematic controls and continuously analyzed.

The additional company benefits for a healthy work-life balance range from offers from occupational health management and occupational medicine to employee catering, as well as guidance and support in difficult life situations.

Prevention as a health strategy

Employees can choose from numerous courses in preventive areas such as exercise, nutrition, ergonomics, and mental health. In addition to online lectures on various health topics, there are, for example, special days dedicated to physical and mental health, sports courses, and the company’s own gym. In cooperation with Deutsche Rentenversicherung, we offer the «RV Fit» program in two variations: «RV Fit BETSI» focuses on exercise, while «RV Fit Energie vital» focuses on stress management. The Pro.Fit health program, which has been in place at the Airport Rescue and Firefighting service since 2014, is specifically tailored to the requirements of the day-to-day work of employees in emergency services. It involves the annual assessment of endurance, strength, and mobility parameters in the form of sports science tests and individualized training recommendations.

Company integration management

Our company integration management (BEM) supports employees in restoring, advancing, or maintaining their ability to work and be employed. BEM is offered to all FMG and AeroGround employees following longer periods of incapacity for work. In 2023, the BEM team also took part in the BEMpsy project, which aims to improve the self-determined and equal participation of severely disabled people with acute or impending mental disorders. In years to come, affected employees will benefit from a digital platform and digital tools, particularly in the context of mental impairment.

Automated baggage unloading

In 2021, the Terminal 2 company joined forces with Siemens, FMG, and AeroGround to launch a pilot project for automated baggage unloading in the office. In 2023, the project team worked on the new global prototype with the aim of improving the ergonomics and processes. After additional test runs, the process times and the error rate for jammed suitcases were reduced. In addition to various technical adjustments to the baggage handling system, the team also reworked the so-called AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle), which is used to transfer containers. In 2024, AeroGround employees will operate the system in a pilot phase after receiving the necessary training.

Reduction of mental stress

Based on the company agreement on the determination and assessment of mental stress in the workplace as part of a risk assessment from 2019, in 2022 a survey was conducted among all FMG and AeroGround employees in cooperation with AOK Bayern. Once the results had been shared with the specialist departments, the subsequent process began so that measures to reduce psychological stress in the workplace could be derived and numerous measures implemented in 2023.

Annual Report Occupational Health and Safety

Apprenticeships: investing in the future

A diverse and attractive apprenticeship program is an important pillar in ensuring our human resources. With Group-wide 23 apprenticeship programs and dual degree programs, FMG is one of the largest training companies in the region. Two new dual degree programs were introduced in 2023: the «Bachelor of Engineering Industrial Engineering – Facility Management» and the «Bachelor of Arts/Accounting & Controlling». More than 600 young people applied to start their apprenticeships at Munich Airport in 2023, 113 of which started their careers at FMG and its subsidiaries on September 1, 2023. In the reporting year, the Group had a total of 236 young people in apprenticeships. The range of professions at the airport extends from IT and technology, security, fire departments, business, and logistics to retail and catering. 57 young people completed their apprenticeship with us in 2023; all of them were offered a job. Improvements to the application process, such as early calls for applications from as early as June of the previous year and increased flexibility in the selection process and entry requirements, made access to an apprenticeship at the airport even more attractive in 2023.

Following the resumption of international exchange meetings within the framework of the «Erasmus+» program, we were able to organize placements for young professionals at the airports in Vienna and Athens in 2023. It is planned to continue the program in 2024.

Sister airports: intercultural exchange

Our international exchange programs serve the personal, professional, linguistic, and cultural development of specialists and executives and promote corporate development. In 2023, selected delegates discussed current challenges during visits to airports in Bangkok, Denver, and Nagoya. The focus was on the topics of digitalization, sustainability, IT, and security. Colleagues from Bangkok, Denver, Singapore, and Beijing made return trips to Munich. We also maintained contact with our sister airports through virtual conferences and meetings. In so-called «CEO Talks» and «CCO Chats», executive management discussed specific issues and projects. 2024, we would like to further intensify this exchange. The partnership with Moscow Domodedovo Airport is currently dormant.

Partner Airports

AirportAcademy: move to the LabCampus

With the AirportAcademy, we operate an in-house training center with roughly 50 employees. The academy is certified in accordance with DIN ISO 9001:2015 and is also a certified training provider according to AZAV» as well as an accredited training institute of Airports Council International (ACI).

In the second quarter of 2023, the AirportAcademy moved into the «LAB 52» building on the LabCampus site. As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, qualification measures in 2023 were still limited to legally required and operationally critical activities. Nevertheless, there were once again a number of face-to-face events with 27,100 participant days (2022: 15,600) of internal and external customers. The seminars focused on qualifications for aircraft handling. The number of participants in digital forms of teaching and learning fell to 24,900 (2022: 29,600). In particular, topics from the areas of aviation and security were in demand. The new digital learning platform (Learning Management Solution) is to offer expanded functionalities in 2024.


Qualification: enhancing leadership skills and employer attractiveness

The role of executives is a key factor in retaining employees and attracting new employees to our company. Our Guiding Principles of Leadership set out what we expect from executives and how they can best work with employees: respectfully, as equals, and in a spirit of trust. The management dialogue as a regular assessment process follows these guiding principles. Special programs are used to develop the expertise of executives in a targeted manner and thereby increase the quality of leadership. In addition, a new, non-pay-scale remuneration system encourages them to focus on their performance and results.

New executives are obligated to attend a twelve-month program to help them grow into their role and strengthen their leadership skills. In 2023, around 250 executives from around the Group worked on various facets of employer attractiveness and their individual role in retaining and gaining employees at the «Leadership Meet-up» development event.

Employees place great importance on development opportunities, advanced training, and qualifications. The diversity of occupations within the Group and the internal posting of all vacant positions offer employees many prospects. In order to further increase our attractiveness as an employer, we introduced a digital training program in 2023 and once again invested more in employee development. The offer ranges from AirportAcademy seminars and programs for top performers to financial and time-related support for on-the-job training or participation in external seminars and specialist conferences. A new mentoring program helps to promote cross-divisional and cross-hierarchical communication.

  1. employees in the Group excluding apprentices, part-time employees, temporary workers, interns
GRI index
Key figures comparison
Business model
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