Consolidated statement of cash flows


 Total comprehensive income 21,007–49,460
+Deferred taxes not affecting profit or loss –1,0342,764
+Actuarial profit or loss 2,023–7,776
+Cash flow hedges 2,595–3,055
+Changes due to foreign currency translation 757–1,267
 Profit/loss of the year (EAT) 25,348–58,794
 Result from companies accounted for using the equity method –1,287216
 Income taxes 14,915–6,564
 Financial result 75,89537,395
 Operating result (EBIT) 114,871–27,747
 Depreciation and amortization 202,790266,400
 Balance of gains/losses from the changes to the scope of consolidation 0204
 Balance of gains/losses from the disposal of financial investments –2,9590
 Balance of gains/losses from the disposal of fixed assets and reclassifications from fixed assets –855–2,091
 Increase/decrease in inventories –5,572–2,345
 Increase/decrease in current receivables –36,759–34,575
 Increase/decrease in liabilities 19,63519,592
 Increase/decrease in employee benefits 1,179–19,490
 Increase/decrease in other provisions –1,169–21,041
 Increase/decrease in other assets/liabilities not related to investing or financing activities 9,971–14,749
 Gross cash flow from operating activities 301,132164,158
 Net income taxes paid/received 413–4,732
 Cash flow from operating activities 301,545159,426
 Proceeds from the sale of owner-occupied property, plant and equipment 7,59410,697
 Proceeds from the sale of intangible assets 831631
 Proceeds from the sale of investment property 803
 Payments from the sale of subsidiaries 0–3,045
 Payments for investments in owner-occupied property, plant and equipment –179,270–167,031
 Payments for investments in intangible assets –7,990–1,122
 Payments for investments in investment property –11,058–9,432
 Deposits from the sale of financial investments 5,3490
 Interest received 1,1781,149
 Additions of deposits –201,442–31,983
 Disposals of deposits 31,98334,984
+Cash flow from investing activities –352,745–165,149
 Proceeds from borrowingsIX.475,000216,692
 Repayments of borrowings from banksIX.–388,450–150,681
 Repayments of lease liabilitiesIX.–3,120–5,250
 Interest payments from lease liabilitiesIX.–555–254
 Cash inflows from Group-wide cash management with associated and affiliated companiesIX.2,604476
 Interest paid (excluding borrowing costs for qualifying assets)IX.–46,668–37,500
 Payments for borrowing costs for qualifying assetsIX.–7,221–3,912
+Cash flow from financing activitiesIX.31,59019,571
 Change in cash and cash equivalents –19,61013,848
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 30,81116,963
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 11,20130,811
GRI index
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