Major economic factor

We make strategic decisions that take into account all key resources and areas of activity: finance, employees, expertise, environment, infrastructure, and society. This approach secures our business activities holistically. We influence a variety of stakeholders as well as internal and external factors – and vice versa. The reciprocal effects of our integrated business model are complex and reveal effects resulting directly from airport operation and the effects of its use.

The airport ensures the attractiveness of the region as a location for business, as the international connection offers advantages for the establishment of companies and for the tourism industry. This creates numerous jobs in the greater Munich area and the airport’s catchment area. With orders amounting to millions of euros, we are an important business partner for local businesses. The airport’s economic ties with the region are reflected in the volume of contracts awarded: 39 percent 1) were awarded to companies in the airport region. According to a study 2) on the economic significance of the airport, almost one in every hundred euros generated in the Free State was linked to Munich Airport. As an international hub airport, we also make a wide range of global economic relationships possible and thereby make an important contribution to worldwide trade. With 464 resident companies and government agencies currently employing a total of approximately 33,330 people, Munich Airport continues to be a major employer and economic factor for the region.

  1. excluding procurement volumes from Allresto and eurotrade, 2022
  2. Munich Airport as an economic factor – analysis of direct, induced, and indirect value creation effects, 2018
GRI index
Key figures comparison
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