HR strategy: opportunities through change

With a return to pre-crisis levels forecast for 2025/2026, the situation on the labor market in the aviation industry will continue to worsen at the same time. Specific investments are needed to recruit new staff for all areas of the Group and to retain existing employees. To make FMG more resilient in the face of external influences in the long term, we are strengthening the perception of the airport as an attractive employer both on the labor market and within the company. One focus is on the operational divisions that contribute directly to managing further traffic growth. The changing expectations of young professionals are also impacting our HR policy. Munich Airport is therefore establishing a new world of work: an adaptable organization with a positive work culture in which all employees can reach their full potential at modern, digital places of work.

Employees: development and flexibility

Since the beginning of 2023, an interdisciplinary transformation team has been advancing the cultural change required for digitalization projects within the company. The first internal conference for all Group employees that addressed topics such as error culture or new types of learning made our journey towards becoming a modern company tangible. In the future, employees will also have the opportunity to utilize various formats to better understand the upcoming changes and help shape the future of the company. FMG and AeroGround have created an essential basis for modern working with the company agreement on «Remote Working». It offers a high degree of flexibility for employees whose work allows them to work from a different location. In addition, employees can work from other EU countries for up to ten working days. Executives and employees can work together to find the optimal balance between remote and in-person working.

Expansion of HR marketing

Major investments are needed to attract the attention of interested applicants to Munich Airport. In the current highly competitive labor market, measures to meet personnel requirements are a top priority. In addition to apprenticeships for young professionals and expanding the Group’s own trainee program, the focus is on targeted recruiting initiatives. For example, we are intensifying our cooperation with personnel marketing service providers, universities, and employment agencies and honing our efforts to address our target groups. The majority of vacancies are now also being advertised on a part-time basis. Employees are offered a bonus for successfully recruiting new colleagues. University students are integrated into the company at an early stage through internships, final theses, or student traineeships and the recruitment of skilled workers from abroad, particularly for operational activities, is being intensified. In addition to the continuation of established event formats such as «Berufsfit» for school students, the new Career Days will help prospective employees from all professional groups get a first-hand look at Munich Airport as a potential employer. In 2023, Munich Airport received over 16,000 applications.

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